Black Light Tattoos - Spiders, Scorpions, Robots and More

I especially love the Autobot and Decepticon symbol tattoos.

Glow Tattoos

There is NO SUCH THING as glow-in-the-dark tattoos. There is a difference between something that GLOWS (actually emits light in the dark) and something that is UV REACTIVE. The chemicals used to make things glow-in-the-dark are definitely not safe for tattooing with.

See my previous post about blacklight reactive ink for info on safe uv inks.

You can buy temporary tattoos online that glow. :)

Clubber Toys Glow Tattoos

Picasso Exports Glow Temp Tats

Perpetual Kid Super Glow Temp Tats

Glow-In-The-Dark Tempoarary tattoos